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Safety and Security

Table of Content

About Campus Safety
Incident Reporting
Accident Reporting
Title IX  Sexual Harassment Reporting
Clery Act Reporting
Sex Offenders

About Campus Safety

The Wenatchee Valley College Campus Security Department is a non-commissioned security force.  All Campus Security staff have received First Aid, CPR and AED training and additional instruction in emergency response. Our Secruity staff patrol both campuses (Wenatchee and Omak) on foot, enforce the laws and regulations that govern conduct on campus, and have the authority to issue parking tickets. Wenatchee Valley College Safety/Security staff work to ensure a safe and orderly environment in which members of the college community can pursue their educational goals. We provide service and assistance to students, staff and community members and assure compliance with college regulations. We have security officers on campus 24/7 every day of the year. We want every student, staff and community member to feel safe while on campus and have established guidelines for campus security.

To report in-progress or immediate crimes, fires or medical emergencies, please dial 911 from any college telephone, and then contact Campus Safety at:

Wenatchee Campus

From a campus phone dial 6911 or from a non-campus phone dial 509-682-6911. You can also contact the Safety, Security and Emergency Manager at 509-682-6659.

Omak Campus

Omak Security during the hours of 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm Monday – Thursday and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Fridays from a campus phone dial 7911 or from a non-campus phone dial 509-422-7911. You can also contact the Safety, Security and Emergency Manager at 509-682-6659.

Incident Reporting

Wenatchee Valley College encourages employees, students and visitors to immediately report any incidents on campus that may constitute a crime, student code of conduct violation, or an emergency -- including threats, harassment or behavior which you find disruptive or unsafe -- so they may be dealt with in a timely and consistent manner.

 Submit an Incident Report here

Accident Reporting

Report workplace injury accidents, occupational illness or any other accident to an employee, student or visitor that involves an injury on the WVC campus or to an employee or student off campus during working status within two days. Provide detailed information and complete the form as accurately as possible.

Submit the completed and signed form to the department supervisor for review and signature. Signatures are required on this form prior to being submitted, unless the affected party is unable to sign at the time of the accident, then follow up will take place at a later date.  The accident form must be submitted directly to Heather Maddy, Administrative Services, Third Floor, Wenatchi Hall. 

Submit an Accident Report here.

Title IX Sexual Harassment Reporting

Wenatchee Valley College is dedicated to maintaining an academic and work environment free of sexual harassment.  Sexual harassment of faculty, staff or students is against the law and will not be tolerated.  Sexual harassment violates the dignity of individuals and impedes the realization of the college’s educational mission.  The college is committed to preventing and addressing sexual harassment of faculty, staff and students through education and by encouraging faculty, staff and students to report any concerns or complaints about sexual harassment.  Prompt corrective measures will be taken to stop sexual harassment whenever and wherever it occurs.

For more information on Title IX Sexual Harassment, visit our website here.

Anyone can report a concern about sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or gender discrimination that impacts a person at Wenatchee Valley College.  The College will seek to protect the privacy of the complainant to the full extent possible. All other employees, including student employees are required to report Title IX concerns.

Submit a Title IX Sexual Harassment Report here.

Campus Contacts

Joe Eubanks
Executive Director, Climate, Culture, Diversity & Belonging
Title IX Coordinator
Phone: 509.682.6716
Email: to reach all campus contacts.

Clery Act Reporting

The Clery Act was named after Jeanne Clery, who was raped and murdered in her dorm room by a fellow student on April 5, 1986. Her parents championed the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) in her memory.  The Clery Act requires colleges and universities in federal financial aid programs to report campus crime data, support victims of violence, and publicly outline the policies and procedures they have put into place to improve campus safety.

In accordance with federal law, WVC provides all crimes reported on the campus or on property adjacent to the college campus.  This information is aviailable each year in an  Annual Safety Report and additional statistics are available on the WVC Public Disclosure page. This chart includes crimes that were reported to the Wenatchee Valley College Campus Safety Officer, Wenatchee Police, Chelan County Sheriff, Okanogan County Sheriff, Omak Police and other college officials who have significant responsibilities for student and campus activities. If you have any questions about the crime statistics or safety issues on campus, please contact the Safety, Security and Emergency Manager at 509-682-6659.

Sex Offenders

Wenatchee Valley College is authorized to notify the college community if a registered sex offender may be expected on or near a Wenatchee Valley College campus (RCW 4.24.550). In such cases, the Vice President of Students Services (VPSS) or a college designee will execute the following procedures. Upon learning of the enrollment and/or presence of a convicted sexual offender at a Wenatchee Valley College campus, the VPSS or a college designee will: 

  • Review all relevant and necessary information provided by law enforcement personnel and assess the safety issues posed for students, employees and children on campus.
  • The VPSS and the Safety & Security Emergency Manager (SSEM) will interview all Level II and III Sex Offenders attending Wenatchee Valley College. The student will be informed of the notification procedure and conditions of enrollment, as well as, provided with information regarding rights, responsibilities and privacy protections of students. Based on information received from law enforcement and the interview, WVC may impose conditions of enrollment which the offender must abide by while attending WVC. Violation of these conditions may result in disciplinary action and notification of law enforcement.
  • The VPSS will release the identity and information according to the guidelines below. The Registrar will coordinate the notification process.

Notification will correspond with the classification level in the following manner:

Level l - Low Risk (to reoffend). The vast majority of registered sex offenders are classified as Level 1 offenders. These individuals may be first time offenders and are usually known by their victims. They normally have not exhibited predatory type characteristics and most have successfully participated or are participating in approved treatment programs. 

  • Vice President of Instruction, Deans of instruction and professional programs will be given a list of offenders and updated information as needed.
  • Faculty and staff in whose program/courses the offender is enrolled in will be notified by email.
  • Student employment office will be given a list of offenders and updated information as needed.
  • Student Services will keep current a list of offenders and update information as needed.

Level II - Medium Risk (to reoffend). Level II sex offenders have more than one victim and the abuse may be long term. These offenders usually groom their victims and may use threats to commit their crimes. They are considered a higher risk to re-offend because of the nature of their previous crime(s) and lifestyle (drug/alcohol abuse and/or other criminal activity). Some have refused to participate or failed to complete approved treatment programs. Level II sex offenders must have also met with the VPSS and SSEM.

  • All Level I notifications.

Level Ill - High Risk (to-reoffend). Level III sex offenders are the greatest risk to the community. Most are predatory, have other violent crime convictions, refused treatment, and are known substance abusers. Level III sex offenders must have also met with the VPSS and SSEM.

  • All Level I and Level II notifications.
  • Information provided to college employees via campus mail and/or list serve.
  • VPSS or designee will provide notification to the classes in which the offender is enrolled.
  • Public Notification: "Sex Offender Release" is posted on various bulletin boards around the campus by Student Services.